Situational Awareness & Behavioural Observation eLearning Course

Passive & Active Alertness ➞ Observation ➞ Detection ➞ Anticipation = Decision Making


Transform the way you see the world

The course revolutionises situational awareness and behavioural observation training.  It’s science driven, delivers high-impact learning and passive and active skills for life, that sharpens your perception of the world and your ability to read environments and people with ease – Sign Up.


The Brain Game. A Snapshot of what you’ll learn and develop:

Through neuroplasticity, your brain rewires itself sharpening passive mental alertness and observation ➝ You’ll effortlessly detect patterns & behavioural changes ➝ seamlessly switch to active behavioural detection and decision-making when needed.  


➔  Life Skills Gained:

Spot the predators, detect anomalies, anticipate peoples actions, use rapid environment and people baselining techniques, identify hostile reconnaissance ➔ make informed decisions ➔ At work, while traveling, socialising, in any environment ➔ these are hardwired habitual effortless skills anyone can develop. 


Most adults have already experienced the learning process:

Think back to when you first learned to drive. Every action required intense focus. Your mind was working overtime, stress levels were high, and sensory overload was a real challenge.

But over time, something changed, driving became second nature.

You no longer had to think about every little move. Your passive awareness sharpened, your reactions became instinctive, and suddenly, everything felt effortless.

Now, imagine applying that same transformation to your Behavioural Detection and Situational Awareness skills.

That’s The Brain Game in action. No overthinking, no paralysis by analysis, no stress. Just passive, seamless, instinctive awareness – Sign Up.


 Course Programme

Audio & Core Content. Absorb the audio lessons and read through to hardwire the content.

Scenario Based Application. Learn through case studies, guided exercises you can apply immediately.

Cognitive Biases. Understand why you have them and how to move past them.

Progressive Skill Building. Follow the structured programme to hardwire instinctive passive and active abilities and responses.

Pre-Course Reading. Not a requirement, but the pre reading article will help to launch you in to the course with a primed mindset. The link is below.


 Why take this course?

Science Driven & Practical. Understand the science of human behaviour, the psychology of thinking, and turn alertness & observation into instinctive habits – Sign Up.

➣ Immediate Impact. Learn today, apply instantly in daily life.

➣ Added Benefits. The skills you’ll develop will assist in all aspects of your work and social activities.

➣ Flexible & Accessible. Self-paced, mobile friendly, and available for 12 months.

➣ Third Party Accredited. The course has been scrutinised by an international accreditation body.


Who it’s for?

It’s designed for anyone looking to develop intuitive awareness and behavioural detection skills – Sign Up.

But it’s especially beneficial for:

Women’s Safety. Empower yourself with passive and active skills to understand an environment and detect behavioural anomalies, stay safe and make informed decisions in any situation.

Security Staff. Become a force multiplier and develop baselining skills, read environments and peoples behaviour with ease, and use a rapid decision making process.

Business People. Develop the skills to read a room, understand unspoken dynamics, and make informed decisions.


Real-World Impact

Manchester Arena Bombing (2017) – Witnesses noticed the attacker’s unusual behaviour yet lacked a system to interpret, act and report on their observations effectively.

This course gives you that system, so you can respond effectively when it matters most – Sign Up Today.


Sign Up Today & Start Your Transformation

£125 | 12 Months & Immediate Access | 9 CPD Hours

Master the skills to protect yourself and those around you – Sign Up Today.

Sign up now & take control of your safety


Course Pre-reading

S.A.B.O Course pre-reading article – follow this link 


Another Mildot 21st century solution course:

Private Sector Counter Terrorism Practitioner.  An eLearning masterclass that turns theoretical information in to real-world practical applications – Learn More


Published Books & Briefings

The Managing Director of Mildot has various books published on Protective Security for Private Sector Counter Terrorism. The books are available on Amazon – Follow this link to view all the books

Consultancy and Specialist Briefings on Protective Security; Counter Terrorism; The Human Element and 21st Century Staff Training Systems – Learn More

Battlefield to Boardroom Systems; Transform the way your team thinks – Learn More